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Links for (MeInBio) PhD researchers

Dissertation information page of the Faculty of Biology

Prodoc - meeting other Freiburg PhD students


Building your career:

Awards and their application procedure (IGA) 

IGA career counseling

Profilpass: eigene Stärken kennen und nutzen 

Science careers individual development plan

PhD core competencies - this is what you acquire on your way and what distinguishes you from non PhD applicants.

Life Sciences Job search and career building links (Matthias Mayer Hochchulberatung)



IGA workshop program 

EMBL conferences and training

University didactic  (if you need to teach)


Counseling, help and conflicts:

IGA conflict counseling 

Psychosocial counseling of the University, and here Psychosoziale Beratung und Konfliktklärung for employees of the University Clinics. 

Psychotherapeutic Counseling for matriculated PhD students.

Ombuds process Uni Freiburg 

Doctoral studies program office Biology, including Ombusperson at the Faculty of Biology

Gender and Diversity office of the University  

The staff council (Personalrat) gives advice to PhD students who are employees of the University, regarding working contract, employment law and more. Personalrat for employees of the University Clinics.

Betriebsärztlicher Dienst (medical officer service University)

Betriebsärztlicher Dienst (medical officer service University Clinics)

Suchtkontaktstelle (Help with dependency, drugs etc, University)

Suchtberatungsstelle (Help with dependency, drugs etc, University Clinics)

Legal Advice and Mediation for matriculated PhD students

Advising for Students with a Disability or Chronic Illnes

Advising Service in Cases of Sexual Harassment and Stalking [de]



funding opportunities for your research projects

graduate funding state of Baden-Würrtemberg



The Academic phrase bank resource was designed primarily for academic and scientific writers who are non-native speakers of English to help with scientific writing.

PubPeer Online Journal Club - discuss publications with others around the world, quality check of publications


Good Scientific Practice:

Academic Integrity Regulations Uni Freiburg

Nature article about bias in experimental design

Statistical counseling of the Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics



Bioinformatics Club at the University - scientific exchange of people working in (medical) bioinformatics and related fields of medicine and statistics. At monthly meetings, methods, software, analytical challenges and potential solutions - especially of high-dimensional data such as genome sequences - are presented and discussed.

GOBLET - global organization for Bioinformatics learning, education and training 

Seqanswers - the next generation sequencing community

Heidelberg Center for Human Bioinformatics Trainings

Fachgruppe Bioinformatik - German joint interest group Bioinformatics

single cell genomics network - network of researchers using single cell technologies and a collaborative platform for the exchange of methods and experimental protocols for single cell -omics

Teaching overview bioinformatics

Bioinformatik Blog "Bioinfowelten" (in German) free bioinformatics training

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics upcoming training courses

de.NBI German network for bioinformatics infrastructure training


Galaxy training

Physalia workshops